Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yep, they're super, alright.

The last survivor of a doomed planet in a doomed universe.
Star of many doomed mini-series.
Kara Zor-L.
Karen Starr.
Power Girl.
Who is she?
First appearing in All-Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976) Power Girl was writer Gerry Conway's answer to the question, "Did the Earth-2 Superman also have a hot cousin?"
If at this point you are asking, "What's an Earth-2?" then, boy, are you in the wrong place. Go here and search it for yourself. Suffice to say, Earth-2 was DC Comics rationalization for creating new characters with the same names as old characters and explaining why Batman didn't age. Turns out there was a completely different, yet parallel universe full of all the same people thirty years earlier.
Power Girl joined the All-Star Squadron, then the Justice Society of America, both on Earth-2, while on Earth-1 (you know, the "real" one where the comic books everyone actually cared about took place) Supergirl was doing her own thing, which at the time consisted of going to college and wearing a headband.
Then in the 80's DC realized that their multiverse was becoming hugely over-populated and crowded, so they came up with "Crisis on Infinite Earths" in which several major characters and minor universes were killed off.
By the end of the twelve issue series, Supergirl was dead and there was only one Earth (thus only one universe). Oddly enough Power Girl was still around.
The original Earth-2 Justice Society had been absorbed and retro-fitted into the new continuity, but no one could really agree on the new backstory for Power Girl. So they used all of them.
Over the last twenty years Power Girl has been Kryptonian, Atlantean, "of unknown origin," and a magical stripper from the Nether Realm.
OK, I just made that last one up, but you see my point. She's been ret-conned so often it's a wonder she can walk.
And now Earth-2 is back, one of 52 alternate universes, and guess what..? They've got their own Power Girl.
And through it all, none of it really matters. No one actually cares about a Power Girl story or where she comes from or what she does or why she's here, as long as she's wearing that costume.
You see, Power Girl has what are know in the comic book industry as huge tits.
And that is the only reason the character has lasted as long as she has. There have been various comic series about Power Girl over the years and they all ultimately failed because they were bogged down by story and plot and character development and all that crap.
Here's the cover of the new Power Girl on-going series released today.

A hot blond ripping open her shirt, unveiling a large pair of breasts.
That's how you sell comics.
Sure, I may sound cynical and sexist and archaic, but I'm not the one marketing this stuff. DC is and, apparently, they've finally figured it out.
A few weeks ago I was discussing large breasts (it started as a literary conversation, honest) with a friend of mine who is amongst those women gifted with a healthy set of twins protruding attractively from the upper body. We concluded that the more I, as a man, just want to cut loose and motorboat those puppies, the power she, as a woman, wields over me by simply saying, "...No."
In a weird, Bizarro-World kind of way, large breats are ultimately very empowering for women. Thus, with her impressive cleavage, Power Girl is quite appropriately named.
So, to commemorate this triumph for feminism, I'm going to finish this blog post with a plethora of Power Girl images.
You know you love 'em.


  1. You know, there's an entire industry of comic book pr0n out there, if that's what people want. It's wonderful stuff, and does away completely with all the unnecessary plot and story development. It's all about the boobage.

    For instance, intrigued by that last picture, I did a goole image search for "power woman supergirl". Do this with Safe Search off, and... wow.

    Can't figure out where that actual image is from though. Anyone recognize the signature?

  2. The answer is still no.
    Yep, I feel pretty 'powerful' having said that.


  3. That last picture is by Ed Benes, who is currently quite prolific in the industry, mainly with DC.
    I guess he was just bored one day and drew that picture.
