Saturday, May 9, 2009

Top 10 Lines In The New "Star Trek" Movie

This list is based mainly on the actor's delivery of the individual line, although some lines are just cool on their own. All of this comes down to a matter of opinion, specifically, my opinion which is currently more valid than yours by virtue of the fact that I'm the one typing this right now.

10. "I am not our father." - Spock Prime to Spock.

9. "Wictor Wictor." - 17 year-old Ensign Chekov's verbal security code no being accepted by the computer.

8. "I may throw up on you." - McCoy to Kirk, then later, Kirk to McCoy.

7. "You're from the future? Do they have sandwiches there?" - Scotty to Spock Prime.

6. "I have no comment on the matter." - Spock to Kirk in response to a question about Uhura.

5. "Is there a problem, Officer?" - 10 year-old Kirk to a motorcycle cop after dumping a vintage 20th century car over a cliff after a high speed chase.

4. "Hi, Christopher. I'm Nero." - Nero to Pike.

3. "You can whistle really loud." - Kirk to Pike after Pike stops a bar brawl between Kirk and four Starfleet cadets by simply whistling.

2. "The ex-wife got the whole planet in the divorce. All she left me was my bones." - Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy explaining why he's joining Starfleet. At last, the nickname is explained. I always thought it was derived from "Sawbones."

1. "Live long and prosper." - Spock to the Vulcan Science Council after declining his appointment to the council in response to a derisive comment about his mother being human. The delivery on this line was flawlessly multi-layered, leaving the unspoken follow up of "...and the horse you rode in on," echoing silently in your head.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly agree with you on that last one. "The horse you rode in on!" Amazing!
